Friday, September 30, 2011

slow progress


NEW RUDDER assembly



Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

laser day

the laser has sat on the beach. it has sat on the beach in the same spot since i can remember, but today all that would change, jesse and i decided that on this day the laser would get some love. it laid there nearly in shambles  most of the rigging was lost or at best in the wrong place. after a few minutes of tinkering and finding odds and ends of rigging in the boat house she was up and ready to ride.  now even though the laser is a singlehanded racer jesse and i decided that we were going to team up and SQUEEZE onto it. it wasnt but a few minute later that we were back on the beach with a laser half way submerged. we had sunk it. we had forgotten a drain plug. we barely made it.   the boat weighed around 750 pound by the time  it hit land and it required the help of a winch to get it out of the water where we left it to drain.  after finding a plug we were back out, this time me in the laser and jesse on a cat, we raced out to the open water and i only capsized once! great wind. the laser lived again, if only for a moment in time.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

psalms 23- the lord has restored my soul

when i take my last breath on this earth i will recall the events of this evening.   it was a mad dash to the beach when we clocked out at six o clock. as we arrived we gazed out upon the waves and setting sun as the wind blew back every hair on our heads. three minuted later me phil caleb jesse and russell had the cats rigged up and it was on!  it was a four boat regatta and we were off to the  point and back! the wind was blowing plenty for a exhilarating ride. one tack would get us all they way to the point where i threaded the needle ( a small gap between the mainland and a rock outcropping)  on the way back we hit a really great channel with strong gusts and after flying the hull for quite a while i finally pushed my luck and capsized my boat (the mask float didnt so the boat flipped completely) i righted the cat and pulled myself out of the drink and kept going.  headed one way it was straight into a huge orange setting sun and a quick tack the other way and it was straight into a full rainbow all the way across the sky!.  when the sun went down we reached back to the beach and pulled the boats back onto the sand. i drove home with soaking wet clothes and an ear to ear grin,  this is how lives are lived! praise God!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

throwing down coats between classes

 we like to go down to the marina in the evenings and look at the real boats, its a beautiful sight

Thursday, September 8, 2011

"it keeps a man out of trouble"

these were the words that the man at the boat shop offered me when i told him my wife would kill me if i even looked at another boat.  turns out that wasn't the case, we are now the proud owners of two sailing dinghys  a vanguard 15 and a SUNFISH!

i spent the day starting the restorations, first cleaning, then preparing a work station, and then some glass work.

 The sunfish practically came back to life after a good power washing!

 YEAH!  it fit  not sure how though

new work station for the vanguard  lots of sanding to do